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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

2011 Election Results

Election Results 2011

After carefully researching each candidate and where they stand on the issues relevant to their race such as:
The size and scope of city government
The budget surplus
The second amendment
Fiscal responsibility and balanced budgets
Public transportation
The accountability of elected and paid officials

we’ve decided to release the following endorsements.
Mayor: Either Dan Bidstrup or Dave Chandler. Anybody is better than Marc Williams. I see his signs in my sleep.
City Council:
                At Large: Ed Tomlinson
                Ward 2: Cody McNutt
                Ward 4: Humpty Dumpty (you’ll have to write this one in…)
School Board:
                District 3: Preston Branaugh
                District 4: Jim Powers

Proposition 103: Not just no. Hell no.
Charter Amendments:
2A: Yes. For heaven’s sake clean up that charter text.
2B: No. Do we really want pipelines of information running between us and other cities in Jefferson county?
2C: No. Just the words “Emergency Ordinance” throw me into a tailspin. I want as many people as possible to agree that there is a need for an “Emergency Ordinance” before it is adopted.
2D: No. To manage the city you should actually live in the city and that’s potentially a year’s worth of travel expenses paid for by the Arvada taxpayer while the new city manager travels between Arvada and his home town of Sidney, Australia. Exaggeration, but still.
2E: Yes. It took a team of lawyers to understand exactly the purpose of this one, but we’ve all concluded that there must be some city employee who’s driven the council crazy and they want the ability to tell the city manager so. Maybe it’s sustainability coordinator. Yeah, that’s it.

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